Monday, November 29, 2010


            Everyone becomes depressed in one point in time, but some people decide that just because they are a little depressed that they can just automatically take pills. Some do not know the risks or the other outcomes that come along with taking the antidepressant. Some people just simply take it because they assume that it would automatically make them happy and use it as a “happy pill”. When actually antidepressant pills can do more harm than good in regards to happiness and living a better lifestyle. Sometimes people get too carried away and become dependent on the drug that they are taking, and without it, it becomes hard to function in everyday situations. Even while taking the medication can sometimes mess up the way you function because of the different symptoms that come with it.

            Most people usually just take prescription drugs without actually knowing the benefit of it. Sometimes people try to look for a better solution in regards to their own personal problems but sometimes taking medication is not the best solution, especially if the person is using them for a different purpose: “Antidepressant drugs are not happy pills, and they are not a panacea. They are prescription-only drugs that come with risks as well as benefits…” This explains how antidepressant pills are not just pills that you take just to get a little happy. It’s a serious drug that should be taken under medical supervision. Some just automatically assume that since they are feeling a little bit depressed and have access to certain drugs that it is okay to go on antidepressants. When in reality it can actually harm certain people, because of the risks that come with it. Finding natural ways to help rid of their depression or anxiety can be both helpful and beneficial to that person.

            Antidepressants can sometimes feel like it can help some people, but in reality it is doing more harm than good. Most people go through life and whined up getting depressed then getting hooked on antidepressant drugs to help cope with their depression. Sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn’t, but by finding the right type of medication that suits that particular person and can actually help them without any type of consequence or long term symptoms. As soon as someone goes through a crisis the first thing they turn to is drugs or medication, they do not know that many things can go wrong while using antidepressants, so sometimes it’s better to find natural ways to get rid of depression and anxiety.

Monday, November 22, 2010

antidepressant drugs

Thesis: Antidepressant pills can actually do more harm than good in regards to happiness and living a better lifestyle.
Article: Antidepressant Medication for Depression
Quote: “Antidepressant drugs are not happy pills, and they are not a panacea. They are prescription-only drugs that come with risks as well as benefits…”
This explains how antidepressant pills are not just pills that you take just to get a little happy. It’s a serious drug that should be taken under medical supervision. Some just automatically assume that since they are feeling a little bit depressed and have access to certain drugs that it is okay to go on antidepressants. When in reality it can actually harm certain people, because of the risks that come with it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Blog 7

I love the fact that I have a family that can always back me up if I ever need anything or if I am ever in any danger I can count on at least one of my family members to help. I am also very grateful for being able to go to LaGuardia Community College with my best friend from middle school. We didn’t have a chance of going to high school together, (although I did go to her prom) but being able to experience college with her and the possibility of graduating with her makes my college experience a whole lot better. She actually means a lot to me and sometimes I don’t really show her how much I appreciate her always being there for me when I need her. I’m also grateful for having a four legged animal in my house! My mom doesn’t really like cats all that much but by a miracle, my cat Kerli was able to fit right into our family. It’s mostly because she is too darn cute. =]

Monday, November 8, 2010

             Everyone goes through life wondering about the future, whether they will grow up get married and have kids. Or just simply stay single and do the things that they want without ever worrying. Becoming a parent though can really change the point of view or beliefs of what people generally expect about having kids. People do not know what to expect in regards to having kids, it can go either way depending on how they raise them. Some feel stuck when deciding on whether or not to have children because of the unknown outcome. Having kids can make some people happy or others miserable, depending on the circumstances. Sometimes things do not go as planned and have to put things to the side just to support a child, and people become overwhelmed with stress and unhappiness.
            When thinking about having children in the future, most would see a happy family like they would show on the television, although things aren’t always what they seem to be. People also try to aim for that level of a happy family and strive for perfection, but sometimes things get complicated along the way. “As a rule, most studies show that mothers are less happy than fathers, that single parents are less happy still, that babies and toddlers are the hardest, and that each successive child produces diminishing returns” (Senior). This states how difficult things can become for a parent. Happiness can be deprived and many things can become difficult, especially when raising that child alone. It can also go either way, for we do not know what the future holds for us     
            As humans, most tend to already assume things about the future. People sometimes tell themselves that something is probably going to be a positive experience without actually going through the process. “Gilbert and his collaborator Tim Wilson call the gap between what we predict and what we ultimately experience the ‘impact bias’-- ‘impact’ meaning the errors we make in estimating both intensity and duration of our emotions and ‘bias’ or tendency to err… Worse, Gilbert has noted that these mistakes of expectation can lead directly to mistakes in choosing what will give us pleasure. He calls this ‘miswanting’ (Gertner). Most of the time people overwhelm themselves with the thought of having kids, putting too much thought without actually knowing what will happen in the future. Things can get harder when having kids, but some will never know unless they have kids themselves.
            A lot of the time though, it is hard raising children because we sometimes go through life with the idea on how things should be, but as it turns out, it becomes something else. Many things become complicated and it becomes a process and a long lasting job. Here is what maybe expected: “Children may provide unrivaled moments of joy. But they also provide unrivaled moments of frustration, tedium, anxiety, heartbreak” (Senior). These things can really put a lot of pressure on a person’s life. Always trying to provide, give your all and making this child just as happy as many may want it to be. Raising the child is just a part process, for there are many emotions that come along with raising a child. All families go through their ups and downs, but learning how to deal with them and handling them is the key. Some try so hard to support their child, that sacrifice is needed in order to feel a need of completion.
            In general most people believe that when giving up dreams for that person that you care about most, will bring forth happiness. Sometimes though, it can actually be the opposite. “They believe, mistakenly, that sacrifice is synonymous with virtue, failing to recognize that staying in the relationship for the sake of the other will lead them both to frustration and unhappiness” (Ben-Shahar). In life, when things unexpectedly happen, some choose to just let go of everything they have, just to make everyone else happy. They end up depriving themselves of their own happiness and future because they have to worry about another life. Sometimes people even try to live their lives through their child’s and control every aspect of their life because they sacrificed their own for them. All the while it makes both the child and the parent extremely unhappy and frustrated.
            Overall, people go through life with an image of parenting and living a happy life with children without exactly knowing the outcome. Most think they know what will make them happy, but most cases fail to prove it right. Things become complicated and we are forced to make decisions based on how we feel about it. In the long run, some make sacrifices because they feel it’s the best outcome for everybody. Children can really change the way a person truly feels about life and how they think, but going through the process is the best way to find out for yourself.

Works cited:
Ben-Shahar, Tal. Happier, New York: McGrawHill, 2009   
Gertner, Jon “The Futile Pursuit of Happiness” New York Times, September 7, 2003        
Senior, Jennifer “All Joy and No Fun: Why parents hate parenting.” New York Magazine, July 4, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010


In life we go through our ups and downs, we have friends, we lose friends. We get into relationships and we get out of them. We fight and then we make up. Everything is just a whole back and forth, a vicious cycle that seems never ending. So I always ask myself… Why do I even bother with people sometimes? Everyone just seems to over complicate things and make things more difficult than it already is. Then again, I might be a part of that problem as well. I’ve never been one to be into anything long term. My friendships don’t last too long because that always means that I would have to keep in touch with people, which I’m bad at. I like to move around and meet new people and find out interesting things about them.
            While doing that, I tend to lose track of friends, so I usually try keeping things at an acquaintance level, its hard sometimes because people become close and attached to who you are. The thing is that we always go through changes, we go from middle school to high school and then to college. I only keep in touch with one person from middle school, and that’s my only best friend that I have. It’s also funny, because she goes to the same college as I do, so I don’t really have to keep track of her because she is always there. It’s not all bad though, people just sometimes get really annoying, until you surround yourself with the right ones. :]